Mix of the week, usually bought by 1-2 person households where veggies are mainly used as a side dish
An example for an S Veg basket (type and quantity of vegetables may vary):
Roughly 500g each of carrots, tomatoes, eggplants or zucchini or squash/pumpkin, cucumber, root vegetables like radishes/turnips/beets/rutabaga/sweet potatoes etc.; a head lettuce or 2-3 varieties of cutting lettuce; small cauliflower or broccoli; selection of leaf vegetables for cooking or salads (may include e.g. swiss chards, namenia, rape and kale varieties, beetroot or radish leaves, wasabino, …); a mixed kitchen herb bundle; little surprise of the week (may be edible flowers, chillie mix, special herbs, cherry tomatoes, a more uncommon veg or fruit for testing,…)
Product notes: Wash, peel or boil before consumption.